Gender Markers

During their time at UBC, students, faculty or staff may change their legal gender marker.

Your gender marker captures your internal, felt sense of identity. Your UBC gender marker does not need to reflect the gender marker on your official documents or your gender expression, and you may change your gender marker between available options. 

The steps to update your gender marker are outlined on the UBC Vancouver Student Services website or on the UBC Okanagan resource brochure. The Student Services website also describes some secondary considerations when changing your gender marker. 

If you experience barriers reflecting your felt sense of gender identity in UBC's systems, you can reach out to a Gender Equity Specialist at the Equity and Inclusion Office through You will be connected with staff who have specialized knowledge of UBC systems from a trans inclusion perspective. Staff will work with you to identify new options, and where none exist, will advocate for change to UBC systems.

Some staff and faculty at UBC can see a student’s gender marker. For example, class lists often include gender marker as well as the student’s name (legal and preferred) and their most recent photo taken for their UBCcard.

Misunderstandings may arise if staff and faculty perceive a discrepancy between a student’s name, gender marker, and/or photo. For example, student cards are often used to verify identity at examinations and other University services.

As a staff or faculty, you can help organize training sessions like “What’s In a Name, What’s in a System” or “Positive Space” to ensure colleagues in your unit are being mindful about their assumptions when interactions with students.

Staff, faculty, or students can update their UBCcard with a more recent photo at this link. Fees may apply.